A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Girl's Wicked Smahht

Yes.Yeas she is. The Lovely One today officially became a liscnesed New Jersey Real-Estate agent. She was as nervous as an Israeli bus-driver when she went in for the test but when my cell rang at work at around 2, I looked at my caller id anmd taking a deep breath, answered her call. She said "Honey?"
"Yes Baby?"
"Guess what?"
"You passed??"
"I passed !!" she shouted.
I'm really very happy for her. She's been busting her butt and wracking her noggin for the last several months and to say she's been stressed out would be a wee understatement.
So congratulations sweety!!!!


Blogger jennifer said...

Tell her you want to retire and have her keep you in the style in which you would like to become accustomed. She can sell the houses; you can count the money. When you're not kayaking, that is.

1:57 PM

Blogger Nelle said...

hahaha Jennifer he wants to be a stay at home Dad with the dog and cat. I vetoed that. I need his medical! LOL

Hey I couldn't have done it without you babeeeeeeeeee

4:45 PM

Blogger Nelle said...

Jennifer he wants to be a stay at home Dad with Duffy and Smokey but hey I need medical insurance!

thanks for your support.....couldn't have done it without ya babeeeeeeeeee

4:46 PM


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