A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Raining again..big fucking surprise eh?
Work is going okay. we're in our 'lull'. The second two weeks of each month we sit around half-asleep picking bugs off of each others backs and pray for a tornado to rip the roof off so we can get some fresh air in that place.
Tomorrow I go to visit Dr. D, my wife's cardiologist. Well, not her's exclusively, she shares him with other folks, but not of her choice. If it were up to the Lovely One he'd be here in our guestroom on call full time. He is a really nice guy and on more than one occasion I've heard other docs call him brilliant. So I've been having this thing going on, usually after sex, but sometimes at work. My heart races like crazy, I get sweaty and a little dizzy sometimes. Yes, I know that's what supposed to happen after sex but not like this. And what about when it happens at work? So I received a twenty-seven page questionnaire from the CardioMan to fill out prior to my visit and I anticipate seeing him. My mother has a bad ticker and wears a pacemaker so maybe it's a genteic thing or maybe not. I'm sure it's nothing major....okay, I'm hoping it's nothing major. We'll see.
How 'bout those Italians?? the World Cup is over for another 4 years and of course there had to be controversy right until the end. if you missed it, the great French soccer hero Zidane rammed his big, bald head into the chest of Italian player Masserati after and insult from the Italian. This guy, the Italian has been suspended a few times in Italy's tough Serie-A division and even at International level. I thought only hockey had goons?
Well, you have to know that if you insult Zidane (who has kind of a rep for being a bad boy himself), who grew up on the tough streets of Marseille, you will be on the receiving end of something. I just wish it was agoal in the extra-time to sink the Italians rather than a head-butt that got him sent off with a redcard in his final pro football experience.
the Italian, according to one of many 'expert lip-readers' who were handily at the match Sunday, said to Zidane "I wish an ugly death for you and your family Go fuck yourself." Geeeeez maybe a head-butt wasn't so awful after all...


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