A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Happy Birthday to Gang

Today is the 94th birthday of the lovely lady you see pictured here. This is Gang, the Lovely One's grandmother. Doesn't she look great? I hope I look this good when I'm 65 never mind 94.
My grandparents have long since passed away but when I married the Lovely One, Gang 'adopted' me as one of her grandkids. She is thoughful and kind and has awonderful personality.
She also, incredibly still drives, cooks and works in her garden every day! Amazing right?
She is in town and we have been spending some time with her. I wish you could all meet her. She is incredible.
Happy Birthday Gang. We love you.


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