A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Get Back

Well, like the other 80 billion people on the planet, I'm in my WorldCup mode. I've watched all the games I possible can. Even catching them on Univision, our local Spanish channel. To her credit, Herself has been very patient and has caught some of the action with me. She did, however, put her foot down when I thought I'd rename the cat 'Figo'....just until July 9th of course.
Today saw a HUGE upset when the lads from Ghana put the foot to those pesky Czechs. They looked like they were playing against six-year olds. No offense to my local six-year olds. Great game..I now eagerly await the start of Italy and USA. Let's go boys, you can do it!


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