I Hurt My Back Twenty Years Ago..Who Can I Sue?
I came home today form work and immediately fired up the grill. Herself had prepared patties and I partook in my almost favorite summertime activity, grillin'! I enjoyed the springlike evening with Duffy running in circles around my ankles in his attempt to herd me. He is a sheepdog after all.
Anyways, over dinner, Herself tells me she was listening to the two braindead twits on our local talk-radio station. I mean these guys are dopes...they are rude, crude and offensive. They make fun of everyone though, so at least they don't discriminate...and the knuckleheads are talking about a young lady, well she is about 20 now..she was playing high-school basketball..about 6 years ago and she ran to the end of the court and fell into those pads that hang on the walls? Like the big cushions?? Coach ran over, helped her up and asked her if she was okay. She said yes and like a responsible adult, he told her to sit down and relax. She shook him off and said the following "No. I'm fine. I want to play." "I want to play. I'm fine." Okay say it aloud a few times. She told coach she's fine. So the guy's like "Okay get back in there sporto" Probably all proud because he's got such a tough cookie on his side. Yeah? Well guess what? The girl is 20 now and she is suing the fucking coach. Five years later. Yes. I got so mad but then I figured, well there's always some dirt-bag lawyer out there looking for his next peep-show who will take a case like this.
How do people get away with this crap? Hopefully it will never even reach a court-room and it will go the way of the lawsuit brought to Mickey D's doorstep by the two steamers in New York who ate twenty pounds of fast food a day and were mad because MacDonalds didn't tell them ground meal worms fried in animal lard were bad for them. Duh! Come on people...but ya' know what? There was a lawyer waiting to take that case. His punishment should be having to take the girls to MCD's for a week. Ouchy...
Hopefully the slag suing her coach gets her just deserts...like maybe she'll have to go golfing with O.J....
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