A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

This n That

Hello all and Happy New Year...
It's been a rainy past few days here.I don't mind the rain in genreal except it aggravates my back. Well, the dampness that accompanies the rain does. Last night it was bucketing and the rain hitting the windows helps lull me to sleep. Unfortunately it does the opposite to Herself. When we have crap weather I always immediately am thankful to have a roof over my head, a nice warm bed to sleep in and a q.t. to wake up to. Unlike me, who is not so cute upon waking. And Im occasionally Grumpy dwarf until I've had my first full cup of tea.
I went back to work today after a much needed three days off. I spent most of my free time adding songs to my iTunes program. Why? you may ask..because the Lovely One bought me and iPod Shuffle for Christmas! If you don't know what it is, it is an Apple Ipod the size of a pack of Wrigleys gum and weighs like half an ounce.... Yes. It is supremely cool. I am a lover of music and my tastes range from Freddie Hubbard to the Kinks, to Miles to Buddy Guy to Pink Floyd to Little Feat. And between Meself and Herself we have quite the collection. Back to my Ipod. This little bugger will hold sevearal hours of music. I think so far I've got 10 hours of music on it and I'm still updating my listening list.
Itunes also offers an online music store where you can buy songs for .99 cents a peice. A super deal considering you don't have to waste 14 beans on acd for just one or two songs.
Work wasa calm today but we will be getting zany over the next week. I worked in the 'bindery' today with Thom cutting forms. Interseting stuff, but lots to pay attention too.
Darts night is coming up tomorrow night. I love the game and have resumed after a 5 year hiatus. It is true what they say, "If you don't use it, you lose it." I used to be good but, now, I'm struggling. I did have a good week last week so that's nice. Keeps my confidence up. I'm gettign ready to order some new flights. The bad thing about grouping your darts well is that if you hit one thta's in the board with an incoming dart, you shred the flight. Thankfully they are cheap.
I have started to ( try anyways) train the Duffster. I did one thing called 'touch' where he touches my hand with his nose and he got it in like twenty minutes! Too smart...and yesterday was his first birthday!! The time just flew.

Well, time to get ready for bed. Leprechaun out.......


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