A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday Edition

Happy Sunday
The weather here has been wonderful. I mean springlike. My kind of winter...temps in the high 40's and 50's. Yesterday was close to 60! Of course it has rained for three days but the warm weather has been wonderful. That is until last night.
With a gust of wind, a howling wind coming from fucking Canada ( where else?), the weather changed dramatically. It went from rain and 60 to snow and 20 in about an hours time. Not good. And it snowed. Not alot but still...it made the Lovely One happy but as you know, the Leprechaun hates snow.
We started yesterday at the market, stocking up on foodstuff. After we came home I made a big pot of French Onion soup for lunch. After the groceries were put away we relaxed. We are still being deprived of sleep by the pets. I surfed for a while and at about 2 I started dinner. I made a Pot Roast Provencal. I started by chopping the baby red tomotoes and onions and the one stick of celery. I then seared the roast. Once that's done I throw the veggies in the pan, then add the garlic, then the wine ( woo-hoo) and then the beef broth. Once thats all simmering I return the roast to the pan and then it's into the oven for 2 1/2 hours. It smelled sooo good.
We had Herself's parents and Grnadmother over for dinner and they enjoyed the meal quite a bit so that was nice.

Work is still slow but I have a feeling we will be picking up this week. My boss has been out all week with a bad dose of shingles. I'm considering called him Georgia-Pacific when he returns but I'm not sure how that will fly. He's a good guy so maybe I'll just not. He'll have enough to deal with upon his return.

Darts is going okay. I am still not at the form I was when I 'retired' fives years ago but hey...I'm also thinking this may be the last year I play. For this big reason. Everyone but me smokes and the smoke is killing me. Not only can I not breathe for half of the next day, but I stink to high heaven when I come home. It's terrible and I feel like hell for the next day. So it's time I 'spose.
I don't know if I would do anything esle for entertainment. Maybe start playing chess again. I really like chess but here's the biggest problem for me. In darts, you need only worry about your next turn at the line. You go up knowing exactly what you have to do and exactly what your opponent has to do. You're prepared.
In chess, you must be able to think far, far down the road. Your opponent can do anything at all and you have to be prepared. This requires concentration. I don't think I've got that much concentration. In my school days one of the comments most found on my report card was "easily distracted by others." Hey, I'm just a social guy. But when it comes to concentrating I'm like the monkeys at the zoo. I can be content to pick bugs off my brothers back or stare at the pool for hours in deep concentration, but once something shiny is thrown into the pen, I'm screwed...We'll see.

Today will be a day of relaxing. I've shoveled and filled the birdfeeders. I have a hot cup of tea in front of me so all is well.

Enjoy your Sunday


Blogger jennifer said...

Hey Rob, I made pot roast today. You got me in the mood.

But I didn't have any wine. So I used beer. First I marinated the cook, then I poured a little bit in the doof. Uh, I mean foood.


5:48 PM


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