My New Digs
Greetings fellow AOL Expats. I'm thinking about setting up residence here at Blogpsot. The good folks here have decided to let me have acrack at Journalville in this neck of the woods and we'll see how it goes. As you may or may not know. the folks at aol have decided to stick 'banners' at the tops of everyones journals. There is much unhappiness.
As a matter o' fact, Jennifer @ still randomly rambling... is here also. Check her out. You'll like her.
I found out about the newest aol debacle from her journal. Apparently they stuck an ad for Cialis chewing gum on the top of her blog. Right there is nice big green letters. Cialis Chewing Gum. Longer...Harder...Sweeter... or something to that effect. She wasn't thrilled. Can't says I blame the woman.
Anyways. I'm hoping this works out here. The controls seem easy enough.
So enough for now. More later.
its sad what happened. im still in Jland and forever I shall be.
love ya, meg
6:34 PM
Hey! Nice place! We may just end up loving our new neighborhood where we're not forced to all live in cookie-cutter homes with neon lights.
Will you mow my lawn?
7:49 AM
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