A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

So it's been awhile....yeah yeah..slacker..I know
Today at work we (well, I was busting my tiny arse trying to finish up a job for Saks. My Coworkers were, my supervisor ( who I swore I wouldn't bad-mouth this week because he fixed my Swiss Army watch gratis), The Golden Child and a Chinese girl whose name, appropriately enough, is 'Rong'. Yes pronounced wrong. See, you drop the envelope into the shuttle feed and it is whicked down a conveyor belt, under an ink-jet and printed. The envelope has the Saks logo on the top left corner and can, well, should only be put into the feed on way. Otherwise the address is upside down. We explained this to her several times and each time she smiled, nodded and said 'sorry Joe'. She then proceeded to do the same thing a few more times, ruining approximately 125 envelopes. No biggie I guess. We should be done by break tomorrow morning. It's a good feeling getting one of those big, pain in the arse jobs out the door.
Weather is rainy again and it is affecting the back. not so bad lately, thankfully. I just had my Leprechauns Little Helper refilled just in case.
The Duffster and I were just having a catch. He has little plush soccer balls and I swear he's the reincarnation of Gump Worsley because nothing gets by this pooch. We were out in the yard one day and I really kicked one to (at) him and he snatched it like Billy Clinton picking up coeds at a pro-life rally. He's that good. Better. He rarely misses. I'm impressed. The problem is, he has the energy of seven four year old children. He makes the Energizer bunny look like Cheech and Chong. I wish I could bottle it....
I've been updating my Ipod Shuffle with some new tunes. The Lovely One surprised me the other day with a giftcard. Isn't she swell?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What's Going On?

Yes I know..slacker is a word I hear often enough so get back Loretta..
Since I've written last, some time ago, my thumb has healed nicely. The Lovely One is amazed at how well it healed. It alnost doesn't look freakish. The lass who stitched me did a swell job and I should have only a minor scar and not the bad-ass mofo scar I was hoping for. Scars build character and they are great conversation pieces. Until I show the one on my hip which requires me to almost show me wee arse. Talk about ending a conversation quick...
The thumb is fine and only hurts when it rains, is windy, I laugh, cry or whack it on the forklift at work. Serves me right for trying to be handy. The good news is I think I may be getting a new food-processor out of it come Christmas.
Work is going well. Busy as Hell but that makes the day go by. We have new temps in evrey freakin' day and unless you speak, Spanish, Kurdish, Pashtu or whatever, have akiller memory for names and/or faces and a photo diary , you're fucked when it comes to rememebering your coworkers.
One the 31st of August the Lovely One and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary. We did so by going to the colonial inn in which we were married for a killer dinner. Thanks to Deb and Don for dinner.
It amazes me that the Lovely one has made it this far. I can be trying at times I suppose. She knows me so well she sometimes even knows what I am thinking. And for those of you who don't know me, you can't appreciate how scary this is. So here's hoping we have tons more anniversarys. I love you sweety. I was disappointed becaus eI wanted to make up a little limerick for her but I was stuck..I came up with ...'your life would be as fine..if ya' had a lass like mine..' The hardest part was working in her marvelous breasts into somthing romantic..Ill keep trying tho..
Our 'good' neighbors are leaving tomorrow. Unfucking believable. The twat next door will be here forvere and probably outlive me but the good ones are going. Florida actually. Just in time for hurricane season. Bummer. I wish them all the best as they have been spantabulous neighbors.
It rained like a bitch here Saturday and Sunday was fantastic. So fantastic we headed to Pennsy to see Don and Deb and a splendid time was had by all.
Happy the new season of House is here. Great stuff.
Time to put the pooch and myself, in that order to bed.