A journal written by an Irish-American lad living in New Jersey with the love of his life Maggie, a handsome Sheltie named Duffy, and a maniacle cat called Chainsaw. Mostly nonsense, some rants and ramblings. Often amusing.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Little Off the Toes and Could You Remove My Ear Jam Please

Today I took the DuffMeister to our local PetSmart. He did really well in the truck and didn't puke at all this time! Yeah Duff!
I think he actually enjoys the truck. He can see out the windows at what the heck is going on. And past. We got there around one and apparently everyone in Momouth county was shopping in this particular plaza. At the same exact fucking moment we were. I did get lucky and got a spot only about a mile away from the store. Duff has had problems with crowds and cars, so taking him to the store fills both of us with anxiety. Me more than him I think but I'm just a nervous Daddy I 'spose. After some coaxing and the promise of many cookies we got into the store. There were approximately ten other dogs in the store today. They all wanted to sniff my dog's ass but Duff was having none of it. We got into the salon and I requested the nails and a ear cleaning. I have to say 99% of the people who work in the grrrooming section are realy good. Only one woman seemed a bit impatient. But maybe she had been working on cats all day .
There was a BullMastiff behind the door that seperates the grooming area from the waiting area and I must say I have NEVER seen such a big head on a dog. This thing was the size of a golf cart. Gigantic. I mean I'd love to have that thing full of freakin' nickels. Enormous. The dog walked over to me and I thought she would eat Duff and I in one bite but she wanted only to lick my hand. A taste-test I'm sure.
So without much more ado we went to the parking lot and found the truck. Duff is good because now he'll stand at the dor and wait for me to lift him into the truck. Whereas before he would jump up and try to scratch his way directly through the door.
Once settled in the shotgun seat we enjoyed a nice ride home. The weather was spring-like so we had the windows down. He seemed to like that.

Tomorrow we will (hopefully) have a kitty door put into the door from our kitchen to our garage. The cat loves the garage. Don't ask me why. He's weird. And the good news is, his litter box will now reside in the garage. This cat has the stinkiest ass I swear. Anyone can stink, but he could knock a buzzard of a shit-wagon. It's torture.

After the door thing I'm going to wash my truck. Maybe.....we'll see. I don't wanna bust up this good weather because once I wash my truck it will rain. We'll see.


Blogger Dottie! said...

Thanks for your comments! =)

Cats not only have stinky butts, they have stinky breath too from licking their stinky butts.

10:59 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Rob is this language that you should be using? Hmmm? Sr. Pat :(

4:56 PM


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